In Hiding is a new film currently in production from the talented folks over at Into The Void Films and it looks pretty killer so far. However, they need your help to make sure that the project gets off the ground properly.
I was invited out to the set of In Hiding a few months ago by writer/director Nathan Waters and I have to tell you guys...I was pretty damn impressed with what I saw. Full disclosure: I am pretty good friends with Nathan, as well as most of the individuals on the set. But, as a life long fan of all things horror, I was very interested in this project once I found out what the premise is. While I can't really reveal what the details to the story are...I can tell you that the film is a personal tale from the heart of Nathan Waters that combines elements from Evil Dead and Reservoir Dogs and fits right inline with the hallmarks of the genre. In other words...this one is the real deal, my Deviant friends and well worth the investment. Check out the video below for a first look of the film as well as an intro from the makers of the film...
Check out their Indiegogo Campain HERE for more details and please contribute whatever you can to help these super talented filmmakers. I've always felt that it is these personal stories that matter the most and I truly believe that In Hiding is a genre story that needs to be told. Like the Into The Void Films Facebook page HERE to keep up with all of the latest news on this great project. Also...check out the follong official artwork from the's a thing of beauty!
Thanks for reading,

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