Remember those awesome Creature Double Features from the 80's? God, I loved those so much. I remember making sure that I was planted in front of the television every week with my grape Fanta in hand in which to watch the hell out of anything the CDF had in store for my young willing eyes. Well...we here at Film Deviant wanted to bring back that particular joy!
If you were a child of the 80's then you might have found your horror/sci-fi fix with those particular Creature Double Features. A fun TV combo of monster movies that televised stuff like Godzilla, Creature From the Black Lagoon, The Wolfman and anything else that the network could sneak into a double-feature time slot. While the films weren't particularly gory or crazy horrific in content, they did happen to show some cool stuff that I might not have been able to find on my own. Sometimes obscure (I caught stuff like The Beast Within, a severely edited version of Xtro and The Thing with Two Heads!) and sometimes mainstream spectacle (I must have watched nearly every single Godzilla film during these years), the CDF offered stuff for just about any lover of fine genre cinema in the comfort of your own home.
So, we just wanted to bring that spirit back with something brand new called...THE DEVIANT DOUBLE FEATURE! This will serve as a weekly event that will feature two films of awesomeness that we want you to check out. Sometimes both films will relate to one another in some weird way...and sometimes they will be random. For the time being, we will post these films in the absence of The Walking an effort to fill the void until the show comes back in February.
For tonight's DEVIANT DOUBLE FEATURE we have a bit of a treat for you. My love for a particular duo of Lamberto Bava films is pretty goddamn blatant around here. Especially with the current release of the exceptional Synapse Blu-rays. But, Jesus...I cannot get enough of these films, man!
So, here now...for your viewing pleasure is...Lamberto Bava's DEMONS and DEMONS 2! Please enjoy...
Come back next Sunday for a new edition of THE DEVIANT DOUBLE FEATURE!
Thanks for watching!
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