What did Matt find this week on the world wide web available for Deviant viewing? Let's find out...
I’m trying out the ole wedding adage this week: Something new, some things used, something borrowed and something red, white and blue. Also, four of the films are available across multiple platforms in an attempt to make this column useful to the widest audience. I hope you’re all enjoying it. Now, onto this week’s bloody streams…
Maniac (2012)
I had to include Maniac this week as it’s a brand new release to DVD AND Netflix so, it’s a definite money-saver. Also, it’s kind of amazing. I purposefully did not read any in-depth reviews because I didn't want to hear about how it was different than the original or it lacked in certain areas in correlation with the original, etc., etc. In the same vein, I was really nervous about how it’d stand up to such a great film. Let me just say that there’s no need to worry. There’s so much to love here. We see most of the action through the killer’s viewpoint. I thought this would be jarring and, ultimately, would become tiresome, but it really works to its advantage. I don’t think it would be possible to create a sense of his mental illness, paranoia and skewed idea of how his world is any other way. And that’s what I think is most important about this film: seeing where he is coming from. Not relating to him or condoning his actions, just realizing why he does what he does. The other aspect that I adore is the 80’s synth music, it’s beyond great. The film Drive brought this back in a big way, but I don’t think it’s been done this well since its heyday. I only wish I could have experienced this on the big screen. Definitely check this one out.
Audition (1999)
Takashi Miike. Those two words can illicit such grotesque images in my head. Whether it’s this movie or Ichi the Killer or 13 Assassins, all of his movies have a profound effect on me, in a good way. Also in that ‘I’ll never forget what I just saw – even if I wanted to’ kind of way. Audition starts out innocently enough, picking up after a widower decides to start looking for a wife again – mainly to please his teenage son. A movie executive friend of his decides that, while he’s casting for a new movie he’s working on, the man can sit in on the auditions and simultaneously search for his future wife. In walks timid, shy and respectful Asami and he’s hooked. While his partner’s every instinct says the girl is bad news, he must pursue her. While the film hints at what Asami is capable of, we don’t get to actually experience her atrocities until the third act. And what an act it is. As a frame of reference, the title for Ichi the Killer “appears” to the audience in a puddle of semen. All the fake substances that they tried to use - just didn't look authentic enough. So, Miike decided to use actual semen. There’s a similar story for Audition, but it’s such a great scene – I won’t spoil it for anyone uninitiated. It’s a rather slow buildup, but the performances are good enough to keep you interested before being stabbed in the chest with the end. It just arrived on Hulu this week and is free on youtube. At default the captions aren't on, so be sure to toggle them with YouTube’s CC button. Enjoy.
Hellraiser I and II
What can be said about the Hellraiser series 25 years later that hasn't been said before; it’s ‘The Little Cube That Could’. A movie series that is still pretty shocking even viewed in today’s current shock-for-the-sake-of-it climate. If you somehow don’t know the set-up, a cube is found that, when opened, unleashes demons hell-bent (I know, I know) on dishing out as much pleasure and pain as they can before the cube is closed again. It’s the most extreme S&M to be put into popular and mainstream filmdom. I've suggested only the first two films in the series for two reasons: 1. they’re the best, hands down and 2. They’re the only two available on Netflix, Hulu and Youtube. However, if you want to make it a true marathon, all 9 of the films are on Netflix and I’ll include the link to that page below.
Hellraiser (1987)
Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
Hellraiser Series
Nightmares in Red, White and Blue
Last, but not least: If you’re in the mood to just sit back and take a wonderful trip down memory lane, watch this great horror-history documentary. It covers all the greats. From Frankenstein, Night of the Living Dead, Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre to modern greats like The Devil’s Rejects, 28 Days Later and many more. It not only discusses the movies we all know and love, though. It also discusses why we as humans love horror movies; why we pay other people to scare the shit out of us and actually enjoy it. This may not be for the well-versed film fans as a lot of the information is pretty well known, but it’s great for beginners or if you’re looking to slowly bring a friend or loved one to the dark side.
Matt, Signing Out
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